
Life Groups

“Life Groups are key to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to God.”

They’re a ten-week commitment, of about 10-16 people that meet weekly to share, study God’s Word, and build relationships. They’re offered three times a year – fall, winter, and spring, taking a break for the summer months.

If you’re interested in finding/joining a life group, click the link below!

Interest Groups

“Connect with other Inspire members who share your passions.”

Interest Groups offer a chance to connect with others who enjoy similar hobbies, activities, or topics. Whether you enjoy: baking, exploring the outdoors, making crafts, learning new skills with other handymen, playing pickleball, or simply walking.

If you’re interested in joining an interest group, click the link below!

Bible Studies

“Group Bible studies strengthen our faith, deepen our understanding of God’s Word, and help us build meaningful relationships with other believers.”

We offer a variety of Bible study groups to cater to different needs and interests. These include a group specifically designed for single mothers, a dedicated women’s Bible study for women, and a men’s Bible study.

If you’re interested in joining a Bible Study, click the link below!


We understand that walking with Jesus is a journey. To help you on your path, we've gathered some helpful free resources.


When and Where Do Life Groups Meet?

Life Groups meet on various days and evenings in homes throughout the area.

How Long Do Life Groups Last?

Life Group sessions range from an hour to an hour and a half.

Do Life Groups Have Childcare?

Life Groups are for adults only (exceptions are made for nursing newborns). We leave it up to each group or family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter. You can also hire sitters for the entire group. This gives opportunity for the kids to fellowship and grow deeper Christian friendships along with their parents. You can get a list of available sitters from Pastor Nate. This is an affordable option that works out to about $2 per child, depending on how many children are in the group.

How Do I Choose a Life Group?

When selecting a group, we strongly recommend you choose a group based on its leader and a common season of life. Research has shown that groups do best when members share a common season of life and other interests.

What if I Can't Make It to My Life Group or Interest Group?

Life Groups work best when we make them a priority, so if you aren’t able to make it to the majority of the meetings, maybe considering waiting.

Interest Groups are a come and go as you please. There’s no obligation to be there every week.

Can I Join Multiple Interest Groups

Absolutely! We want you to be apart of what you enjoy!

Pastor Nate
Pastor Nate

Connection & Groups Pastor
Email |
Phone | 620-662-1283